Air Quality Testing, Salisbury, NC

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Our air quality testing services will help you get the clean, fresh air you deserve.

We at J Newton Cohen understand that the air quality of your home or business has a big impact on your comfort and health, even though you may not realize it. The effects of poor air quality can be easy to overlook, as many people grow so used to their symptoms that they dismiss them as just an unfortunate fact of life. Symptoms of prolonged exposure to poor-quality air can include respiratory issues, headaches, and lingering illness with no apparent source. At J Newton Cohen, we offer air quality testing services to give you an accurate assessment of the air in your home or business, and we can help give you the clean, fresh air you deserve.

Air Quality Testing in Salisbury, North Carolina

Our air quality testing services are a great first step to making sure that the air in your home or business is as clean as possible. Home and work are the places you spend the majority of your time, so it’s important to make these spaces healthy environments–breathing poor quality air for eight or more hours a day will undoubtedly have negative consequences for your health. Even if these effects seem minor, once you experience truly clean air, you’ll definitely feel the difference. In addition, different people have varying levels of sensitivity to airborne pathogens, meaning your family members or co-workers could be vulnerable even if you feel fine. Our professional air quality testing will establish a baseline for the space, which we can then work with you to improve if necessary.

Our team at J Newton Cohen is proud to serve the Salisbury, North Carolina community. Give us a call today to schedule your air quality testing appointment.

At J Newton Cohen, we offer air quality testing for customers in Salisbury, Spencer, Granite Quarry, Landis, Cleveland, Woodleaf, Concord, Kannapolis, Cooleemee, Mooresville, Rockwell, and Faith, North Carolina.