4 Cool Facts About Air Conditioners

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If you’re taking a moment to appreciate your air conditioner as the weather continues to heat up, you might be interested to know that air conditioners haven’t always been found in homes and businesses like they are today. Here are four cool facts about air conditioners you may not have known:

  • It’s Cooler at the Movies- Movie theaters capitalized on the first air conditioning systems to attract customers. Many people didn’t have in-home cooling systems, so movie theaters installed cooling systems so people were tempted to go see a movie on the hottest, stickiest days of summers.

4 Cool Facts About Air Conditioners

  • Preserving Ink & Paper- Publishing companies had a problem in summer because their paper would expand, and the ink would run due to the heat. In 1902, Willis Carrier developed an industrial cooling system that would keep paper and ink preserved for the day’s printing.
  • Population Increase- If you live in the South, you know that the heat can sometimes be unbearable! With the development of modern home air conditioners, southern states like Texas, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana saw an influx of residents.
  • School’s Out- Summer break was born out of a lack of air conditioning during the summer months. It was simply too hot to sit and learn inside the school! Luckily, even after air conditioners were developed, this summer break for children has stuck.

Air conditioners are a relatively modern invention, but aren’t we so glad they exist?! You can read more about the history of air conditioning at the Department of Energy’s website. If you need air conditioner repair, replacement, or maintenance solutions for your home or business, call us at J Newton Cohen today.