If you’re not satisfied with your heating system, upgrading could be a beneficial decision for you. Typically, a furnace is reliable for 15 to 20 years. As you near this mark, common signs you need a new heating installation include drastically rising bills, odd noises, uneven heat distribution, humidity issues, or frequent repairs.
At J Newton Cohen, we offer heating installation services that provide advantages for your home. Our technicians are highly qualified to get the job done right the first time. We have years of experience serving families in North Carolina. We can provide services to install new boilers and furnaces.
Here are five advantages of upgrading your heating system:
- The system will last longer. Upgrades boost heating systems because productive features are constantly being invented.
- Lower energy costs. Older furnaces typically have 65 percent annual fuel utilization efficiency, but with a new furnace, you could have a more effective unit operating at around 93 percent.
- Less maintenance. Save yourself time and money by replacing an old unit with a reliable one.
- Better heat distribution. Give up the hassle of having rooms that are never warm. New systems offer consistent airflow to every room.
- Increase home value. Adding highly efficient features adds more value to your home.
If you’re looking to replace an old unit or have issues with your HVAC system, reach out to a member of our team to learn about how our heating installation services can help you.