How Humidifiers Help Relieve Winter Symptoms

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Our team at J Newton Cohen understands that winter conditions can bring on many unpleasant side effects–for example, many people feel sad or lethargic due to the longer nights and lack of sunshine. Some other common winter complaints are dry skin, as well as colds, coughing, and other respiratory symptoms. While there are many ways to alleviate such symptoms, one of the most reliable is to use humidifiers to add moisture back into the dry air. In this article, we will provide a brief explanation of exactly how humidifiers can help relieve your winter symptoms.

How Humidifiers Help Relieve Winter Symptoms

  • Breathe Easier. By adding moisture back into the air, humidifiers help ease symptoms such as coughing, sore throats, and congestion. Essentially, the humidity helps moisturize and lubricate your throat, nasal, and lung passages, making it easier for air to pass through.
  • Enjoy Greater Comfort. Even if you aren’t experiencing any distinct symptoms, chances are that you find the dry winter air uncomfortable, at least on some level. Dealing with this kind of subtle, underlying discomfort can negatively affect your mood, and it can exacerbate any symptoms that do make themselves known and make your recovery take longer. Fortunately, humidifiers can do a lot to combat this underlying discomfort and the negative effects that are likely to come with it.
  • Fight Infection. A third way that humidifiers can help you relieve winter symptoms is by decreasing your risk of infection. Inside your nose, there are tiny hairs known as cilia that move back and forth to prevent bacteria, viruses, and foreign particles from entering your nasal passages. When the air is dry, your cilia can’t do their job as effectively, making you more at risk of contracting an illness, so keeping the air humid is a wise preventative step.