How to Get Your Heating System Ready for the Winter

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Although September is just the beginning of fall, it’s not too early to start thinking about getting your heating system ready for the upcoming winter–in fact, depending on the weather, you may find that you already want to turn your heater on! Our team at J Newton Cohen wants to help you stay warm and comfortable through these colder months, so we have put together this article on how to get your heating system ready to go.

How to Get Your Heating System Ready for the Winter

  • Replace Air Filters. One thing you should do in order to get your heating system ready for the winter is to replace your old air filters. Chances are that last year’s filters are thoroughly clogged with dust, which means that they can’t pull any more dust out of the air (leaving you with poorer air quality), and that they will impede the flow of air through the ducts. This makes it harder for warm air to circulate and negatively impacts your comfort, so it’s important to replace your old filters with new, clean ones in order to stay cozy.
  • Make Sure Vents Are Clear. Another thing to do in order to prepare for winter is to make sure that nothing is blocking your heating vents. Even if your heating system is in perfect condition, you will struggle to keep a room warm if the heating vent is blocked by a piece of furniture or another item.
  • Seal Leaks. Our third suggestion does not have to do with the heater itself, but rather with your home’s heat envelope–specifically, we recommend that you make sure that any leaks or cracks are properly sealed to prevent your warm air from leaking out. This will keep your home more comfortable and make your heating system more energy efficient as well, as it won’t have to replace the heat lost to the outdoors.