Need Furnace Repair? Take These 3 Next Steps

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Furnace repair can be a nuisance and can become a big problem the more the temperatures drop outside. If your furnace is acting up, seeking maintenance quickly can make a big difference in your comfort and also prevent bigger issues.

Need Furnace Repair? Take These 3 Next Steps

When you need furnace repair, here are 3 next steps to take:

  1. Call a professional. It’s important to seek immediate assistance when you need furnace repair. You want to keep your home adequately heated to prevent an unsafe environment for you as well as potential problems in your home, such as frozen water pipes. It’s also necessary to promptly address maintenance issues, so your furnace does not incur significant damage.
  2. Make note of furnace issues. Create a detailed account of what problems you notice to help your furnace technician properly assess the situation. Is the furnace starting and stopping? Do you notice any unusual odors or sounds? Is there any excess moisture accumulating around the furnace? Any symptom you can point out can help provide a faster fix for your furnace.
  3. Consider safe alternatives for staying warm. Keeping warm can lead anyone to take drastic measures, but ensuring you stay safe is paramount. Prioritize fire safety procedures for your fireplace and only use space heaters temporarily and never overnight. Other safe measures include bundling up, utilizing hot water bottles, and enjoying warm beverages.

Our team at J Newton Cohen has the expertise to quickly get your furnace back up and running. When you need furnace repair, give us a call and we’ll make sure your home warms up in no time.