Four Signs You Need Air Conditioner Repair

With the summer heat and hot sun, it can be such a relief walking into a properly air-conditioned house. If your air conditioner stops working or isn’t working properly, you know how uncomfortable your house can get. It’s important to maintain your AC to help keeping it working all summer long. But when do you know it’s time for a repair or tune-up?

Four Signs You Need Air Conditioner Repair

Here are some of the key signs to look out for that indicate you need an air conditioner repair:

  1. Unbalanced Airflow – If the air coming through your vents is insufficient or unbalanced, there may be something wrong with your air conditioner or ducts. This may be a simple fix, such as cleaning out the ducts, or it could mean that your ventilation needs to be improved.
  2. High Humidity – If you find your home is sticky and humid throughout the summer, then your air conditioner may not be working properly. If your air conditioner is not managing the moisture levels, you may need an air conditioner repair.
  3. Leaks or Odors – Another common sign you need an air conditioner repair is if your AC gives off a bad odor or is leaking. Bad odors are a sign that your AC may need a tune-up. Water puddles near your AC mean that something isn’t working right. Your AC should never leak if properly maintained. Don’t hesitate to call our professionals for a repair to prevent serious water damage.
  4. Weird Noises – Weird or unusual noises such as rattling or buzzing are usually an indicator that something is broken or not working right. When your AC starts to make weird noises, call a professional right away for an inspection.

If you think you need an air conditioner repair, don’t hesitate to call our team of experts. We’ll be able to repair your AC and cool your house down immediately.